How Stora’s Prospects & Deals Pipeline is Helping Self Storage Businesses Thrive

By Gavin Shields on

We’re thrilled to announce that Stora has been named a finalist for the prestigious FEDESSA 2024 Innovation Award! This nomination recognizes the groundbreaking impact of our Prospects & Deals Pipeline, the industry’s first solution designed to streamline the sales process for self storage operators.

At Stora, our mission is to help self storage businesses grow by providing them with the tools they need to convert website visitors and leads into paying customers. Since launching in 2021, we’ve worked with hundreds of operators, each with unique sales strategies. From fully automated online bookings to more human-centered approaches, one thing is clear: the need for a system that adapts to these varied sales processes while maximizing conversions.

That’s why we created Stora Prospects & Deals. Our innovation has already delivered measurable success and has been transforming the way self storage operators manage leads.

The need for innovation in self storage sales

When we first launched Stora, our primary focus was on automating online bookings and payments. But as we onboarded more operators, it became clear that self storage businesses still had a substantial number of leads from sources like phone calls, walk-ins, and web forms, and these leads required more hands-on management. We recognized that no single sales approach works for every operator, and this realization fueled our desire to do more to help them convert their leads into paying customers—regardless of the approach they preferred.

That’s why we created the Prospects & Deals Pipeline. It’s the industry’s first solution specifically designed to streamline the sales process for self storage operators, bringing a more organized, efficient way to manage and convert leads into paying customers.

A tailored solution for every operator

Self storage operators’ websites powered by Stora generate tens of thousands of web form submissions each month. Historically, these leads could get lost in the shuffle, making it difficult for operators to prioritize and follow up efficiently. With Stora Prospects, we’ve solved this problem. This new feature captures every lead in real-time, providing operators with essential context and immediate alerts, so they can take action quickly.

With just a couple of clicks, operators can assign leads to team members and track their progress through a custom-built pipeline that mirrors their specific sales process.

Customization for any sales process

The flexibility of the Deals Pipeline is a game-changer for self storage operators. You can build your pipeline to match your own sales process, whether that’s a series of phone calls, emails, or in-person meetings. Stages are fully customizable, allowing you to move leads along the sales funnel as they progress from initial contact to a successful deal.

Tasks can be assigned to specific team members, ensuring that no lead is ever forgotten. Operators can set reminders, monitor follow-ups, and ensure that prospects are constantly moving through the pipeline. This level of customization makes the system adaptable to the unique needs of every self storage operator, whether they prefer an automated or human-led sales process.

Proven results and early success

Since launching the Prospects & Deals Pipeline just four months ago, we’ve seen incredible adoption. Nearly 50% of our users are already using the feature, and we’ve tracked thousands of deals in the system. The average conversion rate from deal creation to a paying customer is 25%.

Plus, by tracking lost deals, operators can understand why leads don’t convert. Whether it’s due to a lack of response, pricing issues, or competitor choices, these insights are invaluable for optimizing future sales strategies.

Our data reveals that 46% of lost deals occurred due to customers not responding, while 20% changed their minds about needing storage. Interestingly, less than 9% of deals were lost due to pricing or competition, showcasing how effective operators are at demonstrating value.

Overcoming challenges

Developing a solution that could work for the diverse needs of self storage operators was a significant challenge. We needed to ensure our system was both flexible and user-friendly, providing operators with all the information they needed in one intuitive interface.

The pipeline also integrates seamlessly with Stora’s existing tasks and notes features, allowing operators to monitor every interaction with a lead and adjust their approach accordingly.

Looking ahead: exciting new features on the horizon

At Stora, we’re committed to continuously improving how self storage operators manage and grow their businesses. With the success of our Prospects & Deals Pipeline, we’re excited to announce a key upcoming feature that will further streamline operations: Built-In Contracts.

Previously, operators had to rely on third-party sites for managing customer contracts, adding extra steps to the booking process. Now, we’re eliminating that friction with seamlessly integrated digital contracts, built directly into the Stora platform. This means operators can generate and manage customer agreements as part of the booking flow, without ever needing to leave the system. The result? A smoother, faster, and paperless process that reduces admin work and allows operators to focus on growing their business.

To see the Stora Prospects & Deals Pipeline in action, check out our demo here.

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Gavin Shields

Gavin Shields is the CEO at Stora, a provider of self storage automation software and services, as well as the MD & Owner of self storage operator, StoreStuff.

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