Next generation self storage facility maps
Revolutionize how you manage your facility with our award winning interactive site map and map builder.

See real-time vacancies in one place with smart maps
See who's awaiting allocation, which units are empty, and manage them all from data-rich, interactive floor plans.

Birds-eye status summary
Why jump between systems or screens to figure out unit availability when you can review your entire facility at-a-glance?

Point + click management
Swiftly change a unit's status, assign it to a tenant, or jump into a their rental history with convenient selectors and controls.

Live updates
With Stora you're always seeing the up-to-date occupancy breakdown. Change a unit's status and watch your map update instantly.

Simple set up
Make your site maps using simple drag and drop controls, or let our team make them for you.
Take a tour
See how Stora's self storage maps and management tools can help you run your facility more efficiently.
Grow with Stora today
Join modern self storage businesses worldwide who grow sales, reduce costs and save time with Stora.