Boost Online Sales with Action Nudges
Have you ever wanted to highlight a particular unit type on your website as being nearly sold out, to quickly sell the remaining few units? Or to highlight something like a welcome gift or a recommendation that might sweeten the deal? Well now you can — with Action Nudges. Now available in every Stora account.
So what exactly is an Action Nudge? 🤔
Action Nudges make it easy to draw the attention of your Storefront visitors to specific unit types thanks to a visual prompt of your choosing. When deployed correctly, they can guide your visitors towards taking action by submitting a booking or lead form.
We give you 6 great Action Nudge Templates to choose between, such as Last few units left and Most popular — or you can just create your own.
As with everything in Stora they're super easy to set up. Simply visit any Unit Type Edit Form and flick the switch. 🪄

Where you'll see Action Nudges in erm... action...
Action Nudges appear everywhere on your Storefront that features a unit type. You'll find them on site pages, unit type pages, and any lead or booking form.

What are you waiting for? It's time to create a sense of urgency on your website and drive more sales for your self storage business!
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