Get paid to recommend Stora to self storage businesses
Partner with us and get 50% recurring commissions every month for a year. Plus, any customers you refer get 50% off their first 3 months free too!
Become a partner →Frequently asked questions
Are there any extra benefits to working exclusively with Stora?
Yep. Work exclusively with us and get access to our sales and marketing materials to help you earn even more.
If you would like to build a new revenue stream, or even a totally new consulting business around the referral program for Stora, contact us and we will share with you a bank of sales and marketing materials that will help you find and convert more leads.
Can I learn more about Stora first?
Sure! Stora is a new, fast growing and independent self storage Ecommerce and automation platform. To take a look at the product or to learn more, simply schedule in for a demo call today and one of our friendly team will show you around.
When are referral commissions paid?
Commissions are paid out 30 days after a customer you referred pays their monthly subscription.
How can I track my commissions?
When you sign up you gain access to a dashboard provided by Rewardful - the platform we use to facilitate referrals. Login to it here to see all of your stats and payments.
Who can become a partner?