Create your own insurance cover levels
We've made it possible to create new insurance cover levels for your customers to select. With each you can set the cover amount in £, and the weekly price for customers to purchase.
You can also now update the price of any cover level without it changing for any existing customers who agreed to a different price. Click on the name of any insurance cover level to see its historical price history.
Please note once an insurance level is created it currently cannot be removed or disabled.
Visit your insurance page to make any changes to fit your business.
New global content and store configuration forms
In your Storefront settings we've removed the preferences form and split it into two more specific forms:
- Global Content - For content that's used across your entire Storefront such as social media accounts.
- Store Configuration - Head here to set up tracking IDs, set Stora to only be used as a booking site and add live chat.
The Self Storage Brand Marketplace
While not a product change, we've also just launched our new self storage brand marketplace.
We're passionate about helping the next generation of self storage startups get up and running. The marketplace is another way for us to give new operators a leg up by making it easier than ever to get a ready-made, premium self storage brand.
Want to know more? read our introductory blog post.

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