
Branded emails are here πŸ’Œ

Great news. Next time your customers receive an email from you (via Stora) they're going to see a new and improved email design β€” now featuring your logo and brand colour!

You don't need to do anything to get branded emails. Stora will automatically use the logo you've uploaded, and the background colour of your Storefront header and place them front-and-centre in your autogenerated communications.

Other fixes and improvements

  • Unit type price history: Select any unit type in the Backoffice to see what its current price is, and a list of all previous prices you've set for it. (Good to know - You can update a customers subscription to be the price of any of these historical prices via the Change Booked Units option in the Change Subscription menu)
  • Check-in is now optional: Don't want to collect any additional info from customers after they book? No problem! You can now turn check-in on or off from here. If turned off it's removed completely from all booking confirmation pages and emails.
  • Storefront improvements: We've improved the user experience of the Storefront locations and unit type listings. For example, you can now select their images to view them. We've also simplified their contents to only show key info, and finally we've improved the language in buttons to better describe what happens when they are pressed.

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